Written by: Miriam Yekutiel
Horticultural Services


Finally over!

Who said you cannot go back in life? In thus 4 days it’s exactly what I did. Just as I reach retirement age – I went back to my youth. Not by choice. Once again survive but with a little hindsight for the morrow. Make sure the gas tank in the car is filled, drive around collecting free wood pallets for the fireplace, clean and stack them properly; Once again brush my teeth, wash my face (with soap) using only one cup of warm water and two sheets of paper towel; Make a perfect toast on open fire for breakfast and delicious whole roasted corn for lunch.; keep the fire going as long as possible into the night despite the wet woods; appreciate and enjoy hot showers at friend’s house (c&c) who got power back way before me; Dry out my big towel by keeping it in my car (solar power); Judy E. the wonderful quilt you made for me, kept me warm at nights (of about 20 degrees) as an extra blanket; the new innovative flashlight let me read late into the nights without going blind; having no computer, fax and phone with only limited use of cell phone, liberated me to ‘enjoy’ washing dishes in cold water, cooking only at day time; chopping wood and collecting kindling. Thanks to Greg I got and learn the use of dry ice (thanks NYSEG) and kept the food from getting spoiled … and above all, keeping my cool and sense of humor. Till today Wednesday.


All of the sudden I needed my computer really bad, smoky house was good, maybe, for Smoky Bear, but I wanted to open doors and windows for the sunny day outside; be warm inside my home not out in the car, facing the sun (solar energy heat) while endlessly recharging my cell phone; wanted to sleep again without cover, wanted to not to be cold again in the long dark evening that sent me out to the movies (Footloose & Anonymous -both good) or to the lecture halls. Wanted to stay home, enjoy my evening tea while reading news from Israel. Yes, I can go back to my youth, camping out for days to end. But, do I want to? At least not in the winter.


And today, at temperature of 35 INSIDE the house, a bunch of good looking guys from Plattsburgh NY heard my cry and came to the rescue. I was sooooo happpy to see them. They were polite and cheerful. Promised to replace the pole we lost in no time so I can be warm again. I wanted to buy them Pizza, but someone else beat me to it. So left my house open, while I am gone, for them to use (bathroom and alike) they thanked be again and again.

Only when I was few miles away I remembered, there is no running water in the house today till evening….


I call it life.


Tomorrow – back to work. REAL LIFE. Best to all, Miriam